Responsible Communication

The Responsible Communication Project starts from the premise that everyone benefits from the free flow of information and ideas, and that it takes the combined effort of all three of government, the private sector and civil society to ensure that such a free information flow is maintained. At the same time, the dissemination of falsehoods can be harmful to individuals and organizations alike. There are both law-based and extra-legal initiatives and activities that government can spearhead and develop to incentivize the free flow of information and ideas and discourage the dissemination of falsehoods, and at the same time, private sector and civil society actors have a range of instruments, institutions, and processes that they can employ to support freedom of expression while discouraging the dissemination of falsehoods. 

Building on the sustainable governance concept and framework, the Responsible Communication Project is dedicated to exploring and better understanding the ways that government, the private sector and civil society can encourage, facilitate and protect freedom of speech while at the same time discouraging the dissemination of falsehoods, employing a combination of instruments, institutions, processes and actors, sometimes in collaboration, and other times adopting more of a rivalrous, check-and-balance dynamic.